Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Black Dress Blue Lady


The back story…

I live in a small town and when someone paints a building entirely mauve I notice. I first thought it odd. A strange reaction for someone whom, as Joni Mitchell puts it, lives in a box of paints. Maybe I have been conditioned to suppress my individuality, or as a friend likes to remind me, “Don’t let all your crazy out at one time.”

More than likely someone fell heir to mauve paint and needed a target. I mulled this over. It seemed like a canvas screaming to be used. I got an idea for a photo shoot in front of the building. I have been planning a comeback tour for some time. Now keep in mind, I have never really gone too far, but I felt like I had been away, so a comeback tour seemed logical. I have been practicing my material and writing new songs. The offical tour is called, The LBD Tour. I have been playing again for friends and getting my performance chops together at a local coffee house


Photo by Paris Doty 2010